Sunday, June 22, 2008

DUI Reprise: Jevon Kearse

Just a few days ago I ranted about the disappointing tendency for pro athletes to party on the town and then head home by driving under the influence, aka DUI.

Sadly, a former Eagle has failed the sobriety test in the past 24 hours. Jevon Kearse, a defensive end for the Iggles for the past four years tippled excessively on the bottle then decided he was Superman and put his SUV on the road, according to this Associated Press article.

Here's a guy worth over $70 million. Let me repeat. $70 BIG BIG FREAK-ISHLY BIG BUCKS. And he chose to pinch pennies by not paying a few bones for an alternative way to get home.

I don't know about you but I'm getting increasingly tired of paying good money to see these types of guys play sports and then risk their lives, and, more importantly, the lives of others by driving drunk. Doesn't this anger anybody else?

With all due respect, Jevon "The Freak" Kearse does seem like a decent guy based on his image that I saw in Philly. But this DUI is a major setback on that otherwise good image. Unfortunately, in all likelihood, this will quickly be forgotten, put to bed, and set the example for other players to do the same egregious decision-making. Of course he'll have a press conference or media interview and say that he's sorry to the fans for making a poor decision, yadda yadda yadda.

Well anyway, cheers to the players, coaches, and teams that are smarter than Jevon Kearse was last night...

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